
We’re a Leeds-based peer-led support group for people struggling with anxiety and panic attacks. We previously ran in-person support meetings. These are no longer running but we have maintained the website as a portal containing self-help resources. Check out the links below to access support across Leeds, or watch our self-help videos for ideas on managing anxiety.

Where to get support

If you are looking for support with anxiety, you can find support at MindWell. MindWell lists all of the support services across Leeds. It will guide you to the relevant resources whether you are seeking support for yourself, worried about someone else, or a professional supporting others.

You can also access support via Linking Leeds. This is a social prescribing service meaning they can connect you with a range of community services.

NHS mental health care in Leeds is provided by Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service. They offer a range of in-person and online talking therapies. You can refer yourself.

For support outside of Leeds, you can access support via Anxiety UK. There is no connection between our two organisations but we think they are great.

Self-help videos

Our meetings

Our in-person meetings ceased in August 2022. We would like to thank everyone who has attended, volunteered with, fundraised for, or otherwise been involved in Anxiety Leeds over the past nine years.