
Our meetings have ceased

As of August 2022, we are no longer running our group support meetings. We would like to thank everyone who has attended, volunteered with, fundraised for, or otherwise been involved in Anxiety Leeds over the past nine years.

If you are looking for support with anxiety, you can find support at MindWell. MindWell lists all of the support services across Leeds. You can also access support via Linking Leeds.

We meet on a fortnightly basis, offering emotional and practical support to manage anxiety and improve our quality of life. Everyone who attends is an anxiety sufferer, including the facilitators, so everyone in the room can relate to your experiences. The atmosphere is warm, supportive and non-judgemental. Everyone is here for the same thing: to share their experiences and help each other.

Our meetings are open to anyone suffering from anxiety or panic issues. We offer a friendly and supportive environment where you can talk through your difficulties. Below, you will find details of when and where out meetings take place, as well as a description of what they are like.

When are our meetings?

Our meetings take place on the second and fourth Monday of each month. They run from 6:30pm to 8:15pm. We have a full list of dates available.

What happens at a meeting?

Every meeting begins with an introduction from one of our facilitators. This explains what is going on and how the group runs. You are not required to speak. Your input and experiences are valued. However, you are under no pressure to contribute if you do not wish to.

Each meeting has a theme for discussion. For example ‘difficulty sleeping’ or ‘communicating with friends and family’. This is a starting point but the discussion is not limited to this. Everyone is welcome to contribute. Sometimes people want to share their experiences. Others may have questions for the group. Often new members just want to ask “does anyone else feel this way?”

Other members of the group are encouraged to share their own experiences and offer any practical advice that works for them.


Our meetings are held at the Leeds General Infirmary. Full details can be found on the location page.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Before doing so, you may wish to review our page of frequently asked questions, where you will find many of the questions you may have, already answered.

Why attend?

Here is what one of our attendees said about the group:

Before I attended, I felt there was little hope of getting better. The relief of sharing and talking and listening has had a huge effect on my recovery. You can be completely honest at the group.

Here is what another of our attendees said:

Walking through the door for the first time was a scary experience. However, everyone there was a lovely person and hearing other people’s stories really helped me to put my own life in perspective. I feel better about life after attending a meeting.